Wealth management

Tailored wealth management advice to help you achieve your life goals

At MoneyTools we only used evidence based investment philosophies. So there are no get rich quick schemes available here only strategies that have rigour of academia and science.

Money plays a key role in all of our lives. The creation, maintenance and preservation of family wealth is perhaps one of life’s biggest priorities.

A combination of rising living costs, education, increasing house prices, longer life expectancy,  reduced family budgets, and the gradual reduction of the role of state and welfare means its vital that everybody does their part to remain financially independent for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, wealth management is more than just investment advice, as it can encompass all parts of a person’s financial life. The idea is that rather than trying to integrate pieces of advice and various products from a series of professionals clients benefit from a holistic approach in which a single manager coordinates all the services needed to manage their money and plan for their own or their family’s current and future needs.


Please note that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate cash flow planning, estate planning, tax or trust advice.

Creating your financial plan

To create your individual financial plan:

  1. Work with your financial adviser to establish your short, medium and long-term goals
  2. Build in your key milestones
  3. Evaluate your current financial position
  4. Establish what you need to do to meet your goals
  5. Monitor and review your plan

How MoneyTools can help

Whether you’re looking for advice for the first time, a review of your portfolio or a second opinion on previously obtained financial advice, Money Tools can help.

  • We can show you where investment returns come from, how compounding works and how ongoing charges can erode your future returns.
  • We’ll help you see the bigger picture to make sure you have a successful investment experience and get the most from your money.
  • We will work with you to eliminate risk and uncertainty from your investments, so that you can spend time focusing on the things that matter more than money to you.

It’s all about you

Before you talk to us…

… take time to think about your future and whats important to you and your family, think about what you might need in terms of future income, larger amounts you may require and most importantly what you may want to do to make you and those close to you happy.

We all need a passion and to feel we have a purpose, have you thought what yours is? Its generally whats important to us and what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. We see our role as your financial planners and advisors to help you achieve it.

In the meantime, please have a look round our site and have a good read of anything you like the sound of.

The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Ready to get in touch?

Get in touch with our Independent Financial Advisers today

Here’s how it works…
  • Initial Consultation at no expense to you. We will offer as much advice as we can.
  • You’ll receive a quote normally provided at the meeting for your consideration.
  • We can either come to you to help us get a better understanding of your situation at first hand or if you prefer to visit us to see our set up, that’s fine. You choose.
  • The meeting is completely without obligation.


If you already have an Financial adviser or Planner, the changeover is very simple and we take care of it all for you.




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